Saturday, April 27, 2013

Story Time with Blake, Episode 1

I've been toying with this idea for quite some time now.  as most parents of young kids know (as well as any fans of the nineties TV show hosted by Bill Cosby), kids say the darndest things... Well my kid is no different.  Often, Blake's greatest gems come in the car while we're driving somewhere, which makes it difficult to catch on film.  I've decided to film a weekly segment with Blake where we discuss something that was relevant to that week.  I hope that one day, years from now, Blake will look back on these mini episodes with mortifying embarrassment....and then hopefully fondness.  I wanted to hurry and get the video finished, so I didn't spend as much time on the finishing editing touches as I normally do. I'll take more time if more episodes get picked up by the networks. After watching the final cut, the ambient noise in the background that sounds like some wild animal chomping away at some unsuspecting prey, is actually a semi-docile animal, named Braxton (my sister's dog).  The only way I could get him to stop barking during the shoot, was to give him some treat to nibble on.... unfortunately he had to do it in the same room.... sorry about that.  I always seem to have trouble uploading videos to blogger, so I created a youtube channel and uploaded it there.... here's the link :)